Sovereign Temples

A temple space dedicated to those activating their light body technology.

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Light Body Technology

Sovereign Temples is a temple space dedicated to those activating their light body technology. 


Sirian Portal

Saturday Jul 06, 2024

Saturday Jul 06, 2024

Sirius is a powerful energy. Harness it.The 07/07 Sirian Portal in this video. Learn about the energy shift and spiritual growth associated with this cosmic event.
#newearth #lightworker #starseeds #awaken #higherconsciousness #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #ascension #heavenonearth #lawofattraction #manifest #manifestation #sirius #moon

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

In this episode, we explore the upcoming lunar cycle from July 5th to August 3rd. We'll discuss how following nature's cycles can lead to a more harmonious and balanced life, instead of adhering to the artificial Gregorian calendar. Discover how the moon influences our emotions and behaviors, and learn about the benefits of aligning your personal energy patterns with the synodic calendar. We'll also look into the significance of the expansive moon and how to leverage this cycle for personal growth and well-being.
00:00 Introduction to the Moon Cycle
01:09 Understanding the Synodic Calendar
02:07 Personal Energy Patterns and the Moon
04:09 Creating a Moon-Based Calendar
05:57 Tracking Your Energy with the Synodic Calendar
09:04 The Expansive Moon and Celestial Events
16:41 Honoring Natural Cycles and Personal Wisdom

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Join Casey Christine in this heartfelt exploration of the new moon in Cancer, a time to delve deep within and connect with our emotional intelligence. In this session, we embrace the nurturing energy of Cancer and honor our divine feminine aspects.
Key Points Covered:
- Introduction: The significance of the new moon in Cancer and its nurturing energy.
- Honoring Emotions and Shadow Aspects: Understanding and embracing our emotions, especially those we often suppress or deny.
- Sirian Stargate and Dog Energy: The mystical connection with the Syrian Stargate portal and the symbolism of loyalty and companionship represented by dogs.
- Self-Loyalty and Emotional Intelligence: Encouraging self-loyalty and treating our bodies with the same care and love that we give to our pets.
- Deep Breathing and Prayer: Guided breathing exercises and invoking the divine feminine and masculine energies for grace and balance.
- Invoking the Higher Self: Connecting with our higher selves for spiritual guidance and emotional healing.
- Reflection and Next Steps: Embracing the natural cycles of light and dark, and celebrating the events of this moon cycle, including the Lion's Gate portal, full moon in Capricorn, and the Mayan new year.
✨ Special Note: If you hear background sounds like breathing or pitter-pattering, it's my beloved dog who is always by my side. Let these sounds bring you comfort and remind you of the loyalty and companionship that dogs represent.
🌟 Additional Reflections:
- Consider the blessings of water in your life. How can you use water as a conductor of grace and intention?
- Reflect on the idea that bliss is any feeling fully felt. What messages are your emotions trying to convey to you?
🌕 Upcoming Events:
- July 22: Sun shifts into Leo, bringing courage and action.
- Full Moon in Capricorn: Reflect on grounding and stability.
- Lion's Gate Portal: Harnessing powerful energies for transformation.
🙏 Thank You: For being part of this spiritual journey. Let’s embrace the new moon's transformative energy and allow it to guide us towards our greatest light.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Join us on a cosmic journey to explore the opening of the Sirian Stargate on July 4th. Dive deep into an inner communion of higher consciousness and freedom, guided by ascended masters Hathor, Isis, and Green Tara. This meditation focuses on grounding, connecting with your inner sun, and embracing sovereignty.
00:00 Introduction
01:07 Preparation for Meditation
02:42 Spiritual Umbilical Cord and Grounding
04:40 Focused Energy in the Solar Plexus and Beyond
05:03 Heart and Higher Consciousness Exploration
05:31 Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Activation
07:09 Invocation of Ascended Masters
12:37 Exploration of the Sirian Stargate
14:09 Embodiment of Sovereign Beliefs
19:56 Conclusion and Integration

Fear Versus Love

Monday Jun 24, 2024

Monday Jun 24, 2024

In this episode, we explore the powerful dynamics between fear and love, and how these core emotions drive our actions and decisions. Delve into recognizing fear-based programs in your life and learn ways to invite your higher self to transform these into programs of love, trust, and authenticity. It's an invitation to introspection, expanding your conscious awareness to live a more fulfilling and expansive life.

Light Body Empowerment

Sunday Jun 23, 2024

Sunday Jun 23, 2024

In this episode, "Light Body Empowerment," we explore the transformative power of intentional breathing and how it helps us reconnect with our inner source of strength. We'll discuss the influence of external connections on our consciousness, the importance of trusting in the divine plan, and the path to becoming a beacon of light in a chaotic world. Join us as we rediscover the power of our breath and the significance of focusing on our higher selves. This episode is designed to guide you back to your core of light and love, even amidst life's turmoil.

Manifesting With Your Higher Self

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Join Casey Christine as she dives into the art of manifestation by exploring how to align with your Hgher Self. This insightful talk highlights the importance of acceptance, gratitude, and the power of intention in manifesting your reality. Through a combination of personal experiences and practical advice, this video guides listeners on how to cultivate inner communion and reduce resistance, ultimately leading to a more magnetic and fulfilling life.

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Join Casey Christine in this enlightening episode as we explore the full moon in Capricorn. You'll discover how to harness the energy of this lunar phase for increased clarity and confidence in achieving your goals. Dive deep within yourself through guided exploration, invoking your higher self, and connecting with your inner guru. Experience profound insights and transmissions that align your human journey with your higher purpose.

Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Join Casey Christine in an exploration of the Throat Chakra. This episode dives deep into the concept of meditation versus exploration, encouraging listeners to explore their consciousness. Through guided breathing, invocation of higher selves, and the power of imagination, discover how to clear blockages and express your truth authentically. This profound communion invites various spiritual energies and presents the idea of transmuting blockages into beauty. Embrace the journey of living in alignment with your true self.

Saturday Jun 15, 2024

In this video, Casey Christine explores the profound impact of subconscious reprogramming on personal growth and achieving a quantum leap in one's life. She discusses the importance of feelings in creating our reality, the limitations of traditional 'I am' affirmations, and introduces the concept of binaural affirmations for effective subconscious programming. Casey emphasizes the significance of acceptance and willingness in aligning with our true divinity and offers practical insights into how to use these methods to attract positive experiences and embody a prosperous, joyful existence.

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